New Here?

Our three Sunday service times are 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am.
Sunday Mornings
Biblical Teaching
Each Sunday during our adult Worship Services you’ll experience teaching time that is founded on the Bible and will offer practical, relevant, life-changing lessons that you can apply in your own life.
Our staff and volunteers work diligently to create environments for your kids where they’ll be safe, loved, and have lots of fun! We want church to be the place your kids can’t wait to get back to.
Student Ministry
Through relevant teaching, exciting worship, and friendship, your student will know that they are loved and learn how to be confident in who they are as they navigate their teenage years.
Valley View FAQ's
Valley View embraces contemporary worship music and produces a rich, full sounding worship experience with a variety of modern instruments.
Our services usually run about 65 minutes long.
We dress mostly snappy casual at Valley View!
Make sure you enter the building at the Family Entrance to check in your child! If you are joining us for the first time, visit the New Families desk.
Our middle school students gather during the 9:30 service in Room 228. Our high school students gather at the left side of the worship center at the 11:00 service for worship, then head to Room 228.