Valley View Kids


We believe that every kid is created for a purpose: to BELIEVE in Jesus, to BELONG in a community supported by parents and church family and to BECOME who God created them to be.

Knowing Jesus is a lifetime journey, and at Valley View Kids, we teach kids to KNOW Jesus as their Lord and Savior, help them GROW in their faith, and encourage them to GO tell the world.

What to Expect

Check In

We take the safety of your children very seriously. When you check in your kids inside the Family Entrance, you’ll print out a name tag for each child with a unique code for them. You’ll keep a corresponding tag with all of your children’s codes that you’ll use at pick up time. When you come back after service is over, our volunteers will check your tag to ensure that it matches up with the name tag on your child!

Nursery | Birth - 2 years

Your babies will be nurtured by our loving volunteers while you attend the main worship service.

We’ve created a safe and engaging environment where your little ones will get to play, have a snack, and hear a simple Bible story.

The Nursery is available at the 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am services.

Early Childhood 3-5 years

Your child will participate in engaging, age-appropriate worship and lesson time, games, activities, and crafts.

We focus on helping kids learn what the Bible is, who God is, and who we were created to be.

Early Childhood classes are available at the 9:30 and 11:00am services.

Elementary K-5th Grade

Our hope is always that as your children move through their elementary years they will gain a firm foundation of Biblical values, and knowledge of God’s Word. On Sunday mornings, our time together consists of active worship, Biblically-based large group teaching & small group discussions and activities where they will have the opportunity to be stretched and grow in their faith.

Elementary programming is available at the 9:30 and 11am services.

Mother’s Room

Take advantage of our Mother’s Room if you need to feed or change your baby while still watching the service.

Be a Kingdom Worker

Be a Kid’s Ministry Kingdom Worker! There are so many places you can get involved and be part of impacting the lives of our kids for Jesus! Whether you are a teacher, a small group leader, a games leader, tech volunteer, or love helping families check-in we, can use your gifts and abilities on our team. Click the Button to sign up!